Terms of Service

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Terms Of Service For Listing
INTHEZAR does not guarantee that enquiries/leads will be generated by it for the Advertiser or that any of such enquiries/leads will be converted into business for the Advertiser.
INTHEZAR is not obliged and does not market the offerings of Advertiser and shall not be obliged to recommend Advertiser to the Users. INTHEZAR’s obligation under the Contract is limited to the obligations explicitly set out herein and in no event does INTHEZAR undertake to generate or guarantee Enquiries or business to the Advertiser.
Advertiser shall indemnify and hold harmless INTHEZAR, its affiliates, directors, officers, agents and employees from loss, or damage including attorney’s fee, arising from any claim asserted by any third party including any User due to or arising out of any action or inaction of Advertiser, its employees or agents, including but not limited to, intellectual property claims, any claims pertaining to incorrect or false information about the Advertiser that was provided to INTHEZAR and any claims including but not limited to the quality or usefulness of the products or services of the Advertiser.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, INTHEZAR disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation for non-infringement, merchantability, satisfactory quality and fitness for purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, INTHEZAR disclaims all guarantees regarding accurate Listing of the Advertiser. Advertiser understands that there may be errors in such positioning. Neither INTHEZAR nor the Advertiser will be liable for any consequential, special, indirect, exemplary, or punitive damages (including without limitation loss of profits, revenue, interest, goodwill) whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or any other legal theory, even if advised of the possibility of such damages and notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose or of any remedy except for Advertiser’s indemnification obligation. INTHEZAR’s aggregate liability to the Advertiser is limited to amounts paid to INTHEZAR by Advertiser during the 12 (twelve) months immediately preceding the date of the claim. INTHEZAR is also not liable for any claim owing to any misrepresentation of the information pertaining to the Advertiser so long as the information exhibited/ communicated by INTHEZAR conforms to the Information made available by the Advertiser or its authorized representative.
  • The Advertiser may only terminate the Contract, by giving 1 month written notice by email, prior to the automatic renewal of the same, stating his intentions of discontinuing the Services.
  • INTHEZAR reserves the right to terminate the Contract at any time, either with or without cause. If the Advertiser commits a breach of a material duty owed to INTHEZAR, INTHEZAR may, at its discretion, call upon the Advertiser to rectify the breach within 21 (twenty one) days of the receipt of notice, failing which INTHEZAR may terminate the relationship between Advertiser and INTHEZAR.
  • Upon termination of the Contract, INTHEZAR will not be bound to delist the Advertiser as a Vendor and cease disseminating Information of the Advertiser to the Users. However upon termination, INTHEZAR shall have the right to delist the Advertiser without prior intimation thereof to the Advertiser.
  • In case of technical difficulties in continuing the contract, INTHEZAR reserves the right to terminate the contract by giving written/oral intimation to the advertiser.
  • Upon termination of the Contract, under no circumstances, shall the Advertiser be entitled to claim a refund of amounts already paid to INTHEZAR.
INTHEZAR reserves the right to change the terms of the Contract or the Terms of Service at any time without any prior notice to the Advertiser. Changes to the terms of the Contract or the Terms of Service shall come into effect upon from the time it is put up on the mobile application or by any other mode of communication as may be determined by INTHEZAR.
  • INTHEZAR’s interpretation of the Contract shall be final and binding on Advertiser.
  • Advertiser agrees that no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency exists between Advertiser and INTHEZAR and that the Advertiser is not entitled to bind INTHEZAR by its actions.
  • INTHEZAR is subject to existing laws and legal process and nothing contained in the Contract is in derogation of INTHEZAR's right and obligation to comply with the law.
  • INTHEZAR shall not be responsible for any delay or deficiency due to any force majeure events such natural disasters, acts of terrorism, civil labor strife, labor and transportation strikes. During a force majeure event, the obligations of INTHEZAR under the Contract will stand suspended.
  • Nothing in the Contract obliges or will be deemed to oblige INTHEZAR to provide any credit to the Advertiser.
All disputes, differences and/or claims arising out of the Contract shall be settled by Arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory amendment thereof. The dispute shall be referred to a single arbitrator who shall be appointed by the authorized representative/ Director of INTHEZAR LLP. The Advertiser shall not challenge the nomination of Arbitrator or his award on the ground that the nomination is made by authorized representative/ Director of INTHEZAR LLP. The arbitration proceedings shall be held at Kochi and the arbitration shall be conducted in English Language. The award of the Arbitration shall be final and binding on the Advertiser and INTHEZAR. The arbitrator will pass a written and reasoned award and will be entitled to award cost of the proceedings.
Terms of Service for Job Seekers
INTHEZAR may make available Job Ads advertising employment opportunities and other job-related content, including links to third-party websites (“Job Listings” or “Job Ads”), through INTHEZAR’s search results or otherwise through the App or Site. Job Ads are created and provided by third parties over whom INTHEZAR exercises no control; you acknowledge and understand that INTHEZAR has no control over the content of Job Ads, links to or from Job Ads, or any conditions third parties might impose once a Job Seeker has submitted an application or left the Site. We cannot confirm the accuracy or completeness of any Job Ad or other information submitted by any Employer or other user, including the identity of such Employer or other user. INTHEZAR cannot guarantee that the extracted phone number is the correct phone number for the Employer or for the Job Ad you are viewing.
Once you provide information to an Employer INTHEZAR does not have control over the Employer’s use or disclosure of that information.By using INTHEZAR, you agree that INTHEZAR is not responsible for the content of the Employer’s job application, messages or their format or method of delivery, and that INTHEZAR does not guarantee receipt of your application by the Employer, or your receipt of messages from the Employer.

INTHEZAR does not guarantee the validity of a job offer and cautions Job Seekers to verify the validity of a job offer before taking an adverse action regarding their current employment situations. Job Seekers are solely responsible for verifying the accuracy of any Employer or job offer.
INTHEZAR may also include salary estimations on pages other than Job Listings on the Site. Please note that all salary figures are approximations based upon multiple third party submissions to INTHEZAR, including from INTHEZAR affiliates. These figures are given to INTHEZAR users for the purpose of generalized comparison only. INTHEZAR assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability for the content, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability, or availability of any Company Page. Please contact the employer for the most accurate and up-to-date company information.
Terms of Service for Employers
As an Employer, your account is for business use and not for personal use. INTHEZAR is not responsible for and disclaims all liability if a third party uses your email improperly or falsely. If you attempt to send an email from a name or email address that is not true, accurate, current or complete, we reserve the right to drop such email, and attempting to send such email is a violation of our terms.
INTHEZAR may provide some information and content to users for informational purposes only. For example, INTHEZAR may provide Job Seekers with data regarding estimated salaries for a given Job Listing, number of applies to a Job Listing, responses to certain screener questions for a Job listing, or provide you with estimated applies to your Job Listing. All such figures provided by INTHEZAR are estimates given for informational purposes only, and they are subject to change or varying levels of accuracy. INTHEZAR may also provide data regarding impressions in relation to your job ad. Such figures are provided for informational purposes only, are subject to change at any time, and INTHEZAR does not guarantee their accuracy. INTHEZAR reserves the right to change the method of measuring such figures at any time.
You may receive messages, emails or email notifications corresponding with your or a Job Seeker’s activity on communications service, product, or feature provided on App or through the Site. In all cases, such messages or notifications are provided solely as a courtesy, and you should not rely on them. For example, if you wish to interview a Job Seeker, it is your responsibility to follow up with the Job Seeker separately to ensure they know about the interview, do not rely on notifications through INTHEZAR. Once a Job Seeker has your contact info, you agree that INTHEZAR is not responsible or liable for the manner in which the Employer uses the info. INTHEZAR disclaims all warranties with regards to the transmission or storage of such courtesy notices, does not guarantee their delivery or receipt, and does not guarantee the date or time at which they may be sent. In the event a message being sent is intended for a closed account, these messages will not be deliverable.